



国際学生サミット2020「オンラインの可能性」開催 関ゼミ生がネパールの学生と全編英語で共同開催/International Student Summit2020「Possibilities of Online Exchange Program」


関ゼミでは、2015年のネパールでの大地震の際に「Mero Sathi project」を立上げ、学内で募金を募るなどして真っ先にネパールの復興に向けた支援を開始しました。その後も国連が提唱しているSDGs(持続可能な開発目標)をテーマに定期的に交流を続け様々な活動に繋げています。



開催日時:2020年11月8日 日本時間14:00~17:00


内  容:(1)これまでのオンライン活動報告 
     (3)代表者挨拶 関昭典(東京経済大学教授、関ゼミ指導教授)
     (4)サミット参加者紹介動画 日本人学生17名 ネパール人学生17名 計34名
     (5)オンライン文化交流    オンライン最新ツールを使った文化交流の紹介
     (6)グループ活動報告書   「食品ロス問題(SDGs1,2, 12に関連)」
     (7)パネルディスカッション 「オンライン交流の可能性」

申込方法:以下のGoogleフォームからお申込みください。当日までにYouTube LiveのURLをご登録のメールアドレス宛てに送らせていただきます。


主   催:アジア教育交流研究機構 東京経済大学関昭典ゼミナール

後  援:外務省、JICA地球ひろば

Seki Seminar of Tokyo Keizai University and the students from Nepal will jointly hold the International Student Summit in the English language on “Possibilities of Online Exchange Program.”

Over the course of four months, we have been discussing and preparing with Nepalese students to acknowledge how much we can do in an international online exchange program.

Seki seminar launched the "Mero Sathi Project" when a massive earthquake hit Nepal in 2015, and started to support the reconstruction of Nepal first by collecting donations at the campus. Since then, we have continued to interact with people in Nepal regularly under the theme of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is advocated by the United Nations. We have also conducted a variety of fruitful activities to date.

This time, we are organizing a student summit focusing on joint research on SDGs that can only be done through an online exchange. Participants can also ask questions by writing comments in the presentation and panel discussion section.

International Student Summit 2020 [Possibilities of Online Exchange Program]
Date and time: 8th November, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm in Japan Time
Venue: Online (YouTube live & Facebook)

Contents:(1) Program Summary
    (2) Introduction of virtual summit venue
    (3) Greetings from the representative Akinori Seki (Professor at Tokyo Keizai University,Professor supervising Seki Seminar)
    (4) Introduction video of the participants: 17 Japanese students, 17 Nepalese students, 34 in total
    (5) Online cultural exchange (Introduction of cultural exchange using the latest online tools)
    (6)Presentation "Food loss problem (related to SDGs 1, 2, 12)"
    (7) Panel discussion "Possibilities of online exchange"
    (8) Reflection (presentation of experiences and impressions about international exchange)
    (9) Joint Statement to the world

Application: Please register from the Google form provided below. We will send you the YouTube Live link in the registered email address by the event day.


Organized by: AAEE, Asia Association of Education and Exchange , Seki Seminar at Tokyo Keizai University
Supported by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan , JICA